150 years of tailoring.


Our Story

Cambridge Clothing is a renowned provider of exceptional men's clothing, proudly serving customers in both Australia and New Zealand. With headquarters located in Melbourne and Auckland, we have been at the forefront of the menswear industry since 1867.


Cambridge Clothing has a growing retail presence in Australia and New Zealand. Cambridge, Dom Bagnato, Gibson are ranged in Myer, while Joe Black, Uberstone, Flinders, City Club and Ganton are stocked in David Jones with in Australia. Smith & Caugheys and Ballantynes in New Zealand carry Cambridge, Gibson and Joe Black.


Cambridge Clothing has been a wholesale producer of tailored men’s clothing since 1867. We’ve made garments for soldiers in WWII, collaborated with global fashion icons, and everything in between, all with the aim of providing our customers with the highest quality products.

Our success – both past and present – is founded on building strong, lasting relationships with all of our customers. By adopting a collaborative approach and investing in relationships, both sides have benefited in the long run.


Australia Head Office

37 Smith Street
Fitzroy Victoria 3065

New Zealand Head Office

686 Rosebank Road
Avondale, Auckland 1026




If you’d like to enquire about any of the services offered by Cambridge Clothing, please contact our customer service team.

cambridgesales@cambridgeclothing or call NZ 0800 657 848 AU 1800 128 900